Saturday January 18, 2025

Empower Your Employees

The phrase, “empower your employees” has become somewhat controversial, says A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder of the renowned job aggregate site Many employers take exception to those who insist it’s their role to empower their employees. The purpose, however, seems to get lost in translation. While it’s certainly not an employer’s responsibility […]

Landing that Coveted Internship is Only the Beginning

All that hard work paid off and now, you’re gearing up for a summer internship with the law firm of your dreams. Before you get too settled, says A. Harrison Barnes, attorney, career coach and founder of, you need to start thinking about how you’re going to land a full time job next year. […]

Claims Processors for the Gulf Coast Region – Part 3 in a Series of 4

Earlier this month, BP announced its plans to amp up efforts of paying claims to those residents along the five coastal states who have suffered financial losses as a result of the Gulf oil spill. With billions set aside strictly for the use of paying out these claims, there is a need for those who […]

Why Your Business Needs A Business Writer

Few businesses of any size don’t have a website, a Facebook page and/or a blog. The problem many have discovered is they either don’t have the time or the right personnel to write the content. This is where a good freelance writer can benefit your business. First, because you’re hiring a freelancer, there’s no need […]

The Future Of Small Business Owners

Anyone who has ever owned or worked for a small business knows the distinct differences from larger conglomerates. Indeed, our country is built on the small business model. But what does the future hold for the traditional mom and pop businesses? According to many, including career coach A. Harrison Barnes, it’s all about customer service […]